
Keynote Speakers Details


Prof. Muhammad Shahid Iqbal Malik /Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science, University of Wah, Pakistan

Dr. Malik is an Associate Professor at the department of computer science, University of Wah, Pakistan. Recently, he completed his Postdoc Fellowship at the Laboratory for Models and Methods of Computational Pragmatics, National Research University HSE, Moscow, Russia. Dr. Malik received his Master's degree in Computer Engineering (2011), followed by a Doctoral degree in Data Mining (2018) from the International Islamic University, Islamabad Pakistan. Furthermore, he served 12 years in the HVAC industry in Islamabad and developed several Embedded System solutions for Air-Conditioning Systems. Dr. Malik authored more than 26 research papers published in reputed SCI and Scopus-indexed Journals, and conferences. His research interests include Data Mining, Social Media Mining, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, and Social Computing.